About Me

Book reader and sometimes book reviewer

Melbourne, Australia

I’m Shannen, I read a lot and sometimes I like to talk about it…

I’m a full time student, casual university worker and in my spare time I read. I’ve always read books but in late 2018 reignited my love for my local library and now borrow far too many books at once knowing full well that I will stress about having to read them. As I read mostly academic stuff for work and school, I tend to usually read fiction in my down time, but will read memoirs and other non-fiction also.

My three favourite things to read about in fiction at the moment are eco/climate horror, dark academia and what I call ‘weird shit’, which is more of a feeling than a genre – think anything confusing or experimental whether in how it is written, plot or characters.

When I’m not reading, I’m likely in lockdown, but also known for drinking too much coffee, terrible tweets and ranting at my friends about neoliberalism.

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